February 7 - March 15
Opening Reception: March 7th, 7PM
In the 21st Century, the items one acquires in a lifetime are more plentiful than ever. Many of these items are not precious or even necessary; they just accumulate in ones home and office. How do the items we acquire define us individually and as a society? What happens to these items, which were once essential, when they are no longer needed, when we are done with them? Like a modern-day Archeologist, I explore these machine made items, collect them and then hand weave them bringing machine made and handmade together to ask questions about who we are as humans and how, and if, our possessions define us.
“I am a Fiber Artist living in Fort Collins, Colorado. My work focuses on using the leftovers from our society and making them into art using classical Fiber techniques such as basket making and weaving. These works are often surrounding a theme having to do with environmentalism and social constructs. Recently, my work has become more interactive for the viewer to become part of the piece.” - Elizabeth Morisette
Have questions? Write us an email at info@recreativedenver.org
Past Exhibitions
Exhibited in 2020 or previously when our ground floor also served as a gallery