7 Daily Sustainable Habits to Reduce Your Waste

With spring just around the corner, now’s the perfect time to change up your usual routine and implement new, lasting habits that can benefit you, your home, and the environment. 

While it’s easy to point fingers at the big contributors of CO2 emissions, you individually can still make a difference by making conscious choices to preserve the future of the planet.

Here are some simple and practical choices you can make on a daily basis that can help create a healthy and sustainable home. From reducing your use of plastics to composting waste, you can help reduce your carbon footprint. 

1. Replace Disposables with Reusables

By cutting back or eliminating the amount of single-use products you have in your home you help decrease the need to harvest or create new materials. You save energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. 

Replace any disposable plastic items in your home with sustainable options like glass, steel, or recycled materials. You can also carry this habit with you outside your home. For instance, taking a travel coffee mug with you into the cafe and filling it up rather than drinking from a throwaway cup.

Other items to replace with reusable options also include:

  • Plastic grocery bags and produce bags: bring your own reusable bags and forgo using produce bags altogether.

  • Single-use coffee pods: purchase a reusable pod and start to compost your coffee grounds

  • Paper towels: use cloth rags or old t-shirts 

  • Plastic utensils: bring reusable cutlery with you to restaurants

  • Tupperware: invest in storage options that last like glass jars 

2. Shop in Bulk

Buying food in bulk benefits both the environment and your wallet. 

Opting for bulk items cuts down on packaging materials, streamlines the transportation needed for food delivery, and wastes less food. When you purchase unpackaged items, you control the amount of food you’re leaving the store or market with, versus buying the same product in traditional packaging. No more throwing away food past its expiration date!

Food you can buy in bulk:

  • Dried beans and lentils

  • Dried fruits

  • Frozen fruits and vegetables

  • Frozen meat and poultry

  • Honey

  • Oats and whole grains

  • Nuts

  • Pasta

  • Coconut oil (has a much longer shelf life compared to other oils and fats)

  • Chia seeds

  • Peanut butter

  • Greens and protein powders

  • Apple cider vinegar

Take your own containers and jars when you head out to shop — more and more stores today are encouraging shoppers to bring their own food receptacles to decrease the need for plastic or paper bags.

3. Practice Meal Planning

Set a plan for your week and create a shopping list to match. Planning out your meals ahead of time avoids food waste and saves you money buying unnecessary items. Plus, less time stressing over what to make!

Everyone loves takeout here and there, but meal planning also avoids the need for ordering out. You can make healthier diet choices, control your portions, and reduce waste over time.

4. Start Composting

 Composting at home has many benefits, both for your home and for the planet. 

 When you compost you can help retain moisture and keep plant diseases and pests at bay. Composting also encourages the production of good bacterias that produce rich, nutrient-filled soil. 

 You can compost both inside and outside, though outdoors may be easier. Place a bin in a dry, shaded area and fill it with brown (dead leaves, branches, and twigs) and green (grass clippings, fruits, and veggies) materials as you collect them. Moisten the bin as you fill it up, and once its been established you can start adding in materials like grass clippings and fruit and vegetable waste. 

 Items you can compost:

  • Eggshells

  • Coffee grounds and filters

  • Tea bags

  • Nutshells

  • Fruits and vegetables

  • Shredded newspaper

  • Cardboard and paper

  • Yard trimmings

  • Houseplants

  • Hair and fur

  • Sawdust and wood chips

  • Fireplace ashes

To help keep your composted materials moist, you can cover the bin with a tarp. Once you notice the mixed material is dark in color, your compost is ready to use. Time can vary from months to years, so keep an eye on it as you add to the pile.

5. Put a Stop to Junk Mail

After hitting a peak in 2006, USPS has seen a decline in the amount of mail they deliver each year. Still, in 2021, 128.9 billion pieces of mail were delivered — that’s so much paper!

Having your name removed from mailing lists can stop mail before it’s printed and sent out. Be honest, you don’t like receiving all that junk mail, so it’s a win-win putting a stop to some of the snail mail you receive. 

Credit card and insurance companies typically make it easy for you to only receive electronic communications, but a few other options you can check out include:

  • OptOutPrescreen.com — remove yourself from lists often used for pre-approved insurance or credit card offers. 

  • DMAchoice.org — a Data & Marketing Association tool that helps you manage your mail.

  • CatalogChoice.org — helps you manage opt-out requests from various organizations.

Now don’t get us wrong, we love a good postcard or thoughtful letter, but there’s a lot of mail out there that doesn’t need to be sent out and wind up in a landfill. 

6. Buy Used, Not Brand New

Second hand is not second best! If you’re a pro at thrifting, you know that you can walk away with some real gems after a shopping trip. Plus, these days it's even easier to find one-of-a-kind items following the growth of vintage shops on Instagram

Buying second hand furniture, books, toys, electronics, and video games helps reduce waste, but it’s clothing that’s the bigger issue. It’s estimated that the average American throws away 81 pounds of clothing each year — and that’s only counting the U.S.

Rather than going out and buying the latest fast-fashion trend, check out your local thrift stores, favorite online outlets (think Etsy, Depop, or Poshmark), or do a clothing swap with a group of friends. 

One of our favorite local vintage shops is Hell & Rats, a collective of vendors who always have a quirky and exceptional collection of vintage wears, jewelry, and home goods. Not only do they resale, but they also help repair clothing that could use a little love. 

You can catch them at pop-up events throughout Denver, but their permanent home is right here at ReCreative!

Another secondhand shop that’s a must-visit is Strawberry Mountain. Their inventory caters to all eras and sustainably-made clothing. Plus, if you’re looking to sell, they’ll buy your clothing from you for cash or store credit. 

Enjoy the hunt for unique pieces and help the environment while you do it!

7. Donate Your Goods

One person’s clutter is another person’s treasure, right? Before you discard any unwanted items — tools, clothing, craft items, furniture, appliances — try selling or donating them first. You’ll reduce waste and help others in your community. You may also be able to take advantage of tax benefits by donating. 

You may also find that by donating items that no longer serve you, you’ll declutter your home, create more space, and save time cleaning. Take some time to account for everything you have and see what you can offload to a donation center. 

If you’re ready to donate, there are plenty of places who will take your goods:

  • Creative reuse centers

  • Local churches

  • Thrift stores

  • Schools

  • Community centers

  • Nonprofit organizations

If you aren’t able to donate, you can also consider options like composting old clothes, repurposing items for new use, or looking into textile recycling locations near you.

Support Creative Reuse Centers

By doing your part, you’re supporting your community and contributing to the cause of helping the planet. By making small changes and putting good habits into practice, you’ll start to live a more sustainable life one day at a time.

You can also sustain organizations in your community who spearhead efforts to create a more environmentally friendly society. Creative reuse centers like ReCreative take in your used goods and give them new homes. You can show your support through volunteering, making contributions, and of course, donating. 

Learn more about creative reuse centers and how to support them >